Araska is a rock, actually that is a lie, Araska is a fictional rock, in a fictional sea, in a fictional world, the only thing that could be said about is that, if said, world, sea and rock were to exist, then you would have a nice view of a fictional harbour.
It is not just a gamer thing, it is a World of Warcraft thing. Its a highly addictive monster. Worse if it were available on the Crackberry, executive fingers would be falling off constantly. Be thankful for your ignorance on this one :)
Hmmm. I guess I have to be a gamer to understand this one.
It is not just a gamer thing, it is a World of Warcraft thing. Its a highly addictive monster. Worse if it were available on the Crackberry, executive fingers would be falling off constantly. Be thankful for your ignorance on this one :)
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