Friday, February 25, 2005


Well for those of you who didn't know, I am getting married. Basically you don't know me, if you didn't know that, but I will let it slide this time. The official date is Saturday, ---------. Erin, and I will be tying the knot at ---- in the afternoon at the Mississauga Golf and Country club, with a reception immediately following at the Mississauga Golf and Country club. (yes it is the same location, but people still keep asking what church? And the answer is no church, as we are not active members of a church community it was a family decision that it would be in appropriate to church shop. We do have a United Church minister who is a friend of the family performing the ceremony.)

Anyways, my point to this little blurb is not to tell everyone the details, but direct them to the handy page where I have referenced all the details, that way the people who have been invited (sorry can't invite everyone on the internet) know where to be. So with out further ado please look here for more info.
*edit* details removed*edit*

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